Legio I Maximiana

The Legio I Maximiana ( "First maximianische Legion ") was a Roman legion, which was excavated to 296/297 of Diocletian and lasted at least until the early 5th century.

History of the Legion

The Legio I Maximiana and her sister Legion Legio II Flavia Constantia were 296 or 297 set up by Diocletian to secure the newly built in the division of the province of Aegyptus province of Thebaid ( Upper Egypt ). The Legion was Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus after ( 293-311 ) and / or Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus ( 286-305 ), the Caesars and Mitkaisern Diocletian named. According to recent research, the Legio II Flavia Constantia was involved in the construction of the legionary camp at Thebes / Luxor, where he had probably together with the Legio I Maximiana Thebaeorum their first permanent camp.

In the years 297/298, there was unrest in the province of Thebaid ( Öberägypten ), whose crackdown Diocletian, who led the campaign itself, the Lower Egyptian legions Diocletiana III and II Traiana Fortis began. After the campaign, the Legio I Maximiana was stationed at Philae and there formed the southernmost Roman garrison.

In the year 354 a vexillation the Legion as comitatenses ( field army ) near the Thracian Adrianople ( Edirne ) was laid. Almost certainly these troops was inserted under the Emperor Valens 378 at the Battle of Adrian Opel and suffered heavy losses.

In the early 5th century, the Legio prima Maximiana in Filas ( Philae ) was placed under the Dux Thebaidos. The comitatensische Legio Prima Maximiana Thebaeorum was under the Magister Militum per Thracias. The Master Peditum Praesentalis were under as Legio palatinae ( Guard ) in Italy, Thebaei ( " Thebans "), whose origin is uncertain of the Legio I Maximiana however.

By incursions of Blemmyes the military situation in Upper Egypt intensified, so Bishop Appion requested from Syene ( Aswan ) (c. 425-450 ) of Emperor Theodosius II additional troops. Then the trail of legion lose.

Myth of the Theban Legion

The legions II Flavia Constantia and I Maximiana come as a possible "candidate " for a historical core for the in Christian martyrs reports of the early Middle Ages an important role playing Theban Legion ( Legio thebaica ) into consideration, but the Legion is not historically comprehensible and in the area to refer to the legend.
