Legio III Diocletiana

The Legio III Diocletiana was a legion of late ancient Roman army, which was dug by 296 of Diocletian in Egypt and lasted at least until the early 5th century.

History of the Legion

The Legion had and in establishing the required strength 5000-6000 man. The Legion emblem was not delivered. The Legion was named after the Emperor and their number received by Fort count already in Nicopolis ( in Alexandria ) Legio II Traiana Fortis stationed. Both legions had the task of protecting the provincial capital of Alexandria and the Nile Delta.

In the years 297/298, there was unrest in the newly established province of Thebes (southern Egypt) at their crackdown Diocletian, who led the campaign itself, the Legio III Diocletiana began. Around the year 300 were vexillations the Legion in Apollonopolis Magna ( Edfu ), Tentyra ( Dendera ), Syene ( Aswan ), Ptolemais Hermeiou (el - Manscha ) and Panopolis (el - Akhmim ) stationed in the Thebaid.

During the 4th century, parts of the Legion to Thebes and Ombos ( Naqada ) were moved to the south of Egypt and the region secured more by the expansion of the fort.

The only known by name members of the Legion is the deserter Theodoros, who lived around 340 AD.

Emperor Theodosius I ( 378-395 ) divided the quotas had become too Foederati ( allies) Visigoths in the III Diocletiana. In return, he sparked a vexillation out as Legio III Diocletiana Thebaeorum from the limitanei ( border troops ) and relocated them as comitatenses ( field army ) to Macedonia.

In the early 5th century, was the Legio tertia Diocletiana [ Thebaidos ] stationed in Andropolis and Comes limitis aegypti assumed. Other units of the Legion were under in Ombos ( Naqada ), praesentia and Thebes the Dux Thebaidos. The comitatensische Legio Tertia Diocletiana Thebaeorum was under the Magister Militum per Thracias.

Myth of the Theban Legion

The Legio Tertia Diocletiana Thebaeorum applies to some historians as a possible "candidate " for a historical core of the Christian martyrs reports in the early Middle Ages an important role playing Theban Legion ( Legio thebaica ). According to another opinion, the Legion is not eligible for practical reasons. The Theban Legion was not historically comprehensible and to refer to the realm of legend.
