Legio III Isaura

The Legio III Isaura (third Isaurian Legion ) was a Roman legion, which was by Diocletian ( 284-305 ) established to protect the Roman province Isauria. The view expressed in the earlier research thesis of conscription to fight against predatory Isaurian hill tribes in Asia Minor around 278/279 by Probus is considered refuted. The Legion possessed in the early 4th century by a troop strength of about 6,000 men, which was reduced in the course of the century to around 2,000 men.

Ammianus Marcellinus describes in his History that the Isaurian, probably in the 350 years, left their country middle of the 4th century and the coastal area devastated several years as a roving robbers to Seleucia. In the year 354, the Legio I Isaura Sagittaria, Legio II Isaura and Legio III Isaura defended under the command of the Comes Castrizius the city Seleucia successful.

In the year 368, there was renewed raids the Isaurian. The vicar Asiae Musonius was with his Diogmiten reamed (police auxiliary force ). Only the application of the legions could end the unrest.

In the early 5th century, the III Isaura and her sister Legion II Isaura under stood as the limitanei Comes by Isauriam.
