Les Fontenelles

Les Fontenelle is a commune in the French department Doubs in the Franche -Comté.


Les Fontenelle is located at an altitude of 895 m above sea level, 8 km southwest of the town Maîche and about 12 km north- northwest of the town of La Chaux -de-Fonds (air line). The village is located in the Jura, on a sloping gently to the south hillside at the edge of the high plateau of Maîche between the deep valleys of Doubs and Dessoubre.

The area of ​​8.38 km ² municipal area includes a portion of the French Jura. The main part of the area is occupied by the weakly in relief plateau Maîche, which is average at 880 m above sea level. It is mainly composed of meadow and pasture land, but also shows some of larger forest areas, particularly the Grand Bois ( the "Great Forest "). The plateau has no above-ground rivers, because the rainwater seeps into the karst underground. To the north, the municipality's area extends to the height of Les Fontenelle. It forms an elongated, mostly wooded ridge that culminates with 962 m ( highest peak of Les Fontenelle ) in Vieux Ban.

Neighboring municipalities of Les Fontenelle are Saint- Julien- lès- Russey in the north, the east, and Frambouhans Bonnétage the south and west.

By January 1, 2009 there was a change in the membership of the district municipality. So far, belonging to the district Montbeliard, all municipalities in the canton came to the district Pontarlier.


The village church of Les Fontenelle was built in 1783. Above the village is the chapel of Sainte -Anne, which was rebuilt in 1890 with the inclusion of parts of a late medieval predecessors construction of 1480th The Lavogne is a paved livestock watering with a diameter of 16 meters, the origin of time is not precisely known.


With 541 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2011) Les Fontenelle's one of the small communities of the department of Doubs. Once the population has consistently had in the first half of the 20th century in the area of ​​440-500 people, a population decline was recorded in the subsequent period. Since the early 1980s, however, there was again a continuous growth of the population.

Economy and infrastructure

Les Fontenelle was well into the 20th century, a predominantly by agriculture ( livestock and dairy farming ) and forestry embossed village. In addition, there are now various operations of small businesses, especially in the fields of watchmaking industry and wood processing. Many workers are also commuters who engage in the surrounding larger towns of their work. Les Fontenelle is location of the school and the boarding Saint -Joseph.

The village has good transport links. It lies on the main road D437 which leads from Montbéliard to Morteau. Further road links exist with Orchamps -Vennes and Saint- Julien- lès- Russey.
