Little Joe 2

Little Joe 2 ( LJ -2) was used to test the Mercury capsule as part of the Mercury program. In the capsule of the rhesus monkey Sam was housed with which you wanted to test the effects of a flight on humans. The name Sam is derived from the initials of the institution that was responsible for the biological experiments during the Mercury program, the U.S. Air Force School of Aviation Medicine. Besides Sam was in the capsule further biological samples such as seeds and different cell types. In addition, the capsule was tested. For this particular separation of the capsule was carried out using the rescue rocket.

The launch took place in Virginia on December 4, 1959 by Wallops Iceland. The capsule rose 88 km high and was three minutes and 13 seconds weightless. It was, together with the living apes Sam rescued by the USS Borie. The capsule is on display at Airpower Park and Museum in Hampton ( Virginia).


  • Template: Internet resource / maintenance / access date not in ISO format template: Internet resource / Maintenance / date not in ISO format Little Joe 2 NASA, August 5, 2008, accessed on 10 October 2008 (English ).
  • Template: Internet resource / maintenance / access date not in ISO format template: Internet resource / Maintenance / date not in ISO format Little Joe 2 12 September, 2008, accessed on 10 October 2008.
  • Template: Internet resource / maintenance / access date not in ISO format template: Internet resource / Maintenance / date not in ISO format Project Mercury: Unmanned Missions LJ -2 ( 5). NASA, September 27, 2000, accessed on 10 October 2008 (English ).

Mercury -Little Joe 1 · Mercury Big Joe 1 · Mercury -Little Joe 6 · Mercury -Little Joe 1A · Mercury -Little Joe 2 · Mercury -Little Joe 1B · Mercury - Atlas 1 · Mercury -Little - Joe 5 · Mercury - Redstone 1 · Mercury - Redstone 1A · Mercury - Redstone 2 · Mercury Atlas 2 · Mercury -Little Joe 5A · Mercury - Redstone BD Mercury - Atlas 3 · Mercury -Little Joe 5B · Mercury Redstone 3 · Mercury - Redstone 4 · Mercury Atlas 4 · Mercury Atlas 5 · Mercury Atlas 6 · Mercury Atlas 7 · Mercury Atlas 8 · Mercury - Atlas 9

  • Mercury Mission
  • NASA
  • Space mission in 1959