Marianne Denicourt

Marianne Denicourt ( born May 14, 1966 in Paris; actually Marianne Cuau ) is a French actress.


Her sister is Emmanuelle Cuau, which also operates as an actress, but also as a director (Circuit Carole, 1995). From 1985 to 1986 Denicourt studied with Patrice Chereau at the drama school of the Théâtre des Amandiers in the western Paris suburb of Nanterre. In the opening and closing credits it is also called as Marianne Cuau or Marianne Denicourt.

She was romantically involved with actor Daniel Auteuil.

Your connection with the director Arnaud Desplechin had a literary sequel, by an autobiographical novel Mauvais genie published together with Judith Perrignon in which they processed the exposure of their family circumstances in the film Rois et Reine. In a lawsuit for damages because of this allegation, she succumbed.

The French elections in 2002, she supported the candidate Lionel Jospin.

Filmography (selection)
