
Morienval is a commune with 1015 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Oise in the Picardie region; it belongs to the district of Senlis and the Canton Crépy -en- Valois.


The monastery Morienval was one of the most powerful in the Valois; he owned several mills, as well as rights to the forest of Compiègne. The abbot was appointed by the king. In the 9th century coins were minted in the name of the place, what makes you think of the existence of a market.


From 1962, only residents with a primary residence


  • Monastery church of Notre -Dame, built from 920 Construction time: about a century. It belonged to the double monastery of Notre- Dame-de- Morienval, which should come after from the time of King Dagobert I of the legend. The monastery was abandoned in 1744. In the TV series Quentin Durward (1970 ), the church served as a backdrop for the happy ending.

Acy -en- Multien | Antilly | Apremont | Auger -Saint -Vincent | Aumont -en- Halatte | Autheuil -en- Valois | Avilly -Saint- Léonard | Balagny -sur -Thérain | Barbery | Bargny | Baron | Beaurepaire | Belle- Église | Betz | Blaincourt -lès- Précy | Boissy- Fresnoy | Bonneuil -en- Valois | Boran -sur -Oise | Borest | Bouillancy | Boullarre | Boursonne | Brasseuse | Brégy | Béthancourt -en- Valois | Béthisy -Saint- Martin | Béthisy -Saint -Pierre | Chamant | Chambly | Chantilly | Chèvreville | Cires -lès- Mello | Courteuil | Coye -la -Forêt | Cramoisy | Creil | Crouy -en- Thelle | Crépy -en- Valois | Cuvergnon | Dieudonné | Duvy | Ercuis | Ermenonville | Feigneux | Fleurines | Fontaine- Chaalis | Foulangues | Fresnoy -en- Thelle | Fresnoy- la -Rivière | Fresnoy -le- Luat | Gilocourt | Glaignes | Gondreville | Gouvieux | Ivor | La Chapelle -en -Serval | La Villeneuve- sous- Thury | Lagny- le -Sec | Lamorlaye | Le Mesnil -en- Thelle | Le Plessis -Belleville | Lévignen | Mareuil -sur- Ourcq | Marolles | Maysel | Mello | Mont- l'Évêque | Montagny -Sainte- Félicité | Montataire | Montlognon | Montépilloy | Morangles | Morienval | Morte Fontaine | Nanteuil -le- Haudouin | Neufchelles | Neuilly -en- Thelle | Nogent -sur -Oise | Néry | Ognes | Ognon | Ormoy -Villers | Ormoy- le- Davien | Orrouy | Orry- la -Ville | Plailly | Pont -Sainte- Maxence | Pontarmé | Pontpoint | Précy -sur -Oise | Puiseux -le- Hauberger | Péroy -les- Gombries | Raray | Rhuis | Roberval | Rocquemont | Rosières | Rosoy - en- Multien | Rouville | Rouvres -en- Multien | Rully | Russy - Bémont | Réez - Fosse- Martin | Saint -Leu- d'Esserent | Saint- Maximin | Saint- Vaast -de- Longmont | Saint- Vaast- lès- Mello | Saintines | Senlis | Silly- le- Long | Séry - Magneval | Thiers- sur- Thève | Thiverny | Thury -en- Valois | Trumilly | ully -Saint -Georges | Varinfroy | Vauciennes | Vaumoise | Ver-sur- Launette | Verberie | Verneuil -en- Halatte | Versigny | Vez | Villeneuve -sur- Verberie | Villers -Saint- Frambourg | Villers -Saint -Genest | Villers -Saint -Paul | Villers -sous -Saint -Leu | Vineuil -Saint -Firmin | Ève | Éméville | Étavigny

  • Municipality in the department of Oise
  • Place in Picardy