Muskwa River

The Muskwa River is a left tributary of the Fort Nelson River in northern British Columbia.

The river has its source in the lake on the remote Lake Bedaux Pass in the Canadian Rockies. From there it flows in a predominantly easterly direction. In the middle reaches, the river turns north. He takes the tributaries Gathto Creek, Tuchodi River, Chischa River, Tetsa River and Kledo Creek, all from the left on. In the lower reaches of the Muskwa River flows east again. Shortly before its confluence with the Fort Nelson River meets its biggest tributary, the Prophet River, from the right to the Muskwa River. Then it passes through the small town of Fort Nelson. The Muskwa River has a length of 257 km. Its catchment area covers about 20,300 km ². The average discharge is 214 m³ / s The headwaters of the Muskwa River and parts of its catchment area are in the Northern Rocky Mountains Provincial Park.
