North Horr

North Horr is a village in Marsabit County (Eastern ) and since 1988 the name of an electoral district of Kenya. The native population of the tribe of Gabbra still lives largely nomadic or semi-nomadic.


The constituency North Horr (No. 046) is 39 248 km2 and in addition to the same Ward covers the administrative units Balesa Ririba, Bubisa, Dukana, Illeret, Maikona and turbine. It has about 75,200 inhabitants, of whom 24,530 are registered voters (as of 2012). This corresponds to a population density of 1.92 inhabitants per km2.

Election results

Ecclesiastical Mission

As early as 1964 began, the Italian priest Giovanni Rocca from Alba with the establishment of a mission in North Horr. Since 1976 located in the city of a mission station of the diocese of Augsburg. It is currently headed by the minister Hubert Mößmer (since 1995) and Anton Mahlgeleitet (since 1996) and is part of the Diocese of Marsabit. The priests there operate in addition to the missionary work, especially development aid and have already founded several schools, among others.
