Nureddine Rifai

Noureddine Rifai (Arabic: نور الدين الرفاعي, DMG Nur ad -Din ar - Rifa ʿ i, * 1899, † after 1975 ) was a military and politicians in Lebanon. He was prime minister of a military government.

The Sunni Muslim and retired General Rifai was commissioned on 23 May 1975 by President Soleimane Frangié in response to the outbreak of the Lebanese civil war with the formation of a government. The was, however, considered by political opponents as a hostile act, because the formation of a government of the traditional distribution practices of items abweichte. This government of military personnel should not be able to bring the country under control and restore the old stability. After massive protests to ʿ ʿ ama Noureddine Rifai resigned after only one week in office - on July 1, 1975 - back.
