Onesi Constituency

Mayor / in:

Chief Executive Officer:

Last election: 2010

Next election: 2015

Address of the city administration:

Geographic coordinates: 17 ° 35'00 " S, 14 ° 41'00 " E.

Height: 1106 m

Onesie is a settlement in the same constituency in the Omusati Region Onesie in Namibia. The village has about 2000 inhabitants, the entire constituency has 12,935 inhabitants. The place Onesie located 27 kilometers southwest of Outapi, 1106 meters above sea level.

Sons and daughters

  • Henry Isak Amalovu Katali ( born January 5, 1958 Eunda, constituency Onesie ) 1999-2004 Vice- Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, Windhoek

Anamulenge | Elim | Etayi | Ogongo | Okahao | Okalongo | Onesie | Oshikuku | Otamanzi | Outapi | Ruacana | Tsandi

- 17.58333333333314.683333333333Koordinaten: 17 ° 35 ' S, 14 ° 41' O

  • Location in Namibia
  • Omusati
  • Place in Africa