Ontario Highway 66

Template: Infobox trunk road / Maintenance / CA / ON- T


  • Timiskaming

The King's Highway 66 in the eastern Canadian province of Ontario is part of the network of the Trans-Canada Highway. The highway has a total length of 104 km, it starts in Matachewan and ends at the border to neighboring eastern province of Québec in Kearns.


The highway begins in the small town of Matachewan and leads in an easterly direction. Less than 5 km after the start of the route branches off to the southeast Highway 65. The highway runs past the northern edge of the Englehart River Fine Sand Plain and Waterway Provincial Park and meets 45 km of its commencement on Ontario Highway 11 It connects the route of the Trans-Canada Highway on Highway 11 with the province of Quebec dar. Highway 66 performs swastika, a place with very controversial name ( swastika is English for swastika ). The highway continues to the east and still pass through several small towns and ends at the provincial border with Quebec. He will be continued as Route 117.
