
Ošelín ( German Oschelin ) is a municipality with 126 inhabitants ( 1 January 2004) in the Czech Republic. It is located 11 km northwest of Stříbro at an altitude of 478 m asl

The village is located on a plateau on the right of the valley of Mies and has 2 km from the village in the valley a breakpoint of the railway line between Plana and Stříbro. In the south of the municipality is the route of the Dálnice 5 / Europe road runs 50


The first mention of the town dates back to 1379th Until the abolition of patrimonial Oschelin was divided between the Dominions and Weseritz Schweißing. 1939 lived in Oschelin including the districts Goßlau, top and Mittelplesau 432 people. In the period from January 1, 1980 to November 24, 1990 Ošelín was a district of Svojšín.

The most significant buildings are the baroque St. Bartholomew 's Church and the Baroque castle situated above the village. The rectangular castle with a drive-through and mansard roofs originated in the second half of the 18th century on the site of a medieval fortress. Parts of the cellars date back from this predecessor. Users of the buildings are the church and the post office.

The original Gothic parish church got its present shape in 1722. It was built at the highest point of the village and is surrounded by lime trees.

Community structure

The municipality Ošelín the districts Lobzy ( Labes ), Horni Plezom ( Oberplesau ) Plezom, also Střední Plezom ( Mittelplesau ) and Dolni Plezom include ( Unterplesau ). In the community hall, the abandoned village Kozlov is ( Goßlau ).
