Place names in China

Chinese place names refer primarily to Han Chinese names but also to those that are used by Chinese minorities.


Spencer (1941 ) thinks that Han Chinese place names indicate both local cultural and geographical influences, but rarely cultural influences from other parts of the world

Tibetan, Mongolian, Uighur minority and tribal names are phonetically transcribed into Chinese.

In Chinese grammar

Names for places in China included - when referring to them in Chinese terms - a count ( unity, ) word ( English: . "Class identifier" - in English, this is often translated, the rest of the name, however, not the trailing Chinese measure word is in English also adjusted with the exception of mountains and lakes. when names of lakes and mountains is either " X Lake " / " Lake X " or " X Mountain " / " Mount X". )

Some mountain ranges such as the Tian Shan, are taken directly from Chinese to English. "Tian " means heaven and " Shan " means mountain (s), ' Tian Shan ' mean literally " sky Mountains ".

List of class names

C = Chinese, P = Pinyin, D = German

Zhū ​​mù lǎng mǎ Feng

Cardinal points

  • East :东, Dong - E. G. Guangdong (广东), " Further East"
  • West:西, Xi - E. G. Xi'an (西安), " Western Peace "
  • South :南Nan - E. G. Hainan (海南), " South Sea "
  • North :北, In - E. G. Beijing (北京), " Northern Capital"