
Shennongjia (神农架 林区Shennongjia Qu ) is a wooded area in the north-west of China's Hubei province. The forest area is an administrative unit at the county level, which is directly under the provincial government. Shennongjia has an area of ​​3253 km ² and about 78 950 inhabitants ( end of 2005). The population is 95% Han, Tujia 4.5% and 0.5 % Zhuang, Miao, Hui, and others. Shennongjia is located on the border of Hubei to the government Immediate Chongqing City; in the west it borders the counties Wushan and Wuxi. In the north of Shennongjia is adjacent to the circles and catch Zhushan Shiyan City, to the east by the county of the city of Xiangyang Baokang and on the south by the circles Xingshan ( Yichang City ) and Badong ( Enshi Autonomous Prefecture ).

The forest area was founded in 1970 by separating out areas of the circles Fang, Xingshan and Badong and united to Shennongjia. The name comes from the numerous legends in which there is, at this location had time and again Shennong, one of the Three sublime shown and collected medicinal herbs for its pharmacological experiments on himself.

Administrative Divisions

Originally Shennongjia was at the community level from 21 communities and large communities. After the administrative reform of 31 December 2004, it presently consists of four large municipalities, three municipalities and Nationality community. These are:

  • Greater community Songbai (松柏 镇), 328 km ², 26,750 inhabitants, the capital, seat of government forest area;
  • Greater community Yangri (阳 日 镇), 253 km ², 10,900 inhabitants;
  • Greater community Hongping (红 坪镇), 765 km ², 6,750 inhabitants;
  • Greater community Muyu (木鱼 镇), 451 km ², 11,600 inhabitants;
  • Community Xinhua (新华 乡), 276 km ², 3,950 inhabitants;
  • Community Songluo (宋 洛 乡), 629 km ², 7,800 inhabitants;
  • Community Jiuhu (九 湖乡), 339 km ², 4,750 inhabitants;
  • Community Xiaguping the Tujia (下 谷 平 土家族 乡), 212 km ², 6,450 inhabitants;

Ethnic structure of the population Shennongjias (2000)

At the census in the year 2000 78.242 inhabitants were counted in Shennongjia.


Shennongjia is a mountain and forest area surrounded by several mountain ranges, including the Qinling, Wudang, Wushan, Jingshan and Shennongjia Mountains (神农架 山脉) is crossed. The latter form the eastern foothills of the Daba Mountains. 85 % of the area Shennongjias are mountains and mountain land, 69.5 % is covered by forest. The highest point is Mount Shennong thing with 3105.4 m, the deepest point lies on the River Shizhu He (石柱 河) with 398 m. A total of 84 % of the area Shennongjias lie at altitudes above 1200 m; six mountain peaks have altitudes above 3000 m, the Small Shennongjia (小 神农架), the Great Shennongjia (大 神农架), the Shennong thing (神农 顶), the Jinhou Ling (金猴 岭), the Shanmu Jian (杉木 尖) and the Since Wokeng (大 窝 坑). At the Greater and Lesser Shennongjia Shennong Xi of which flows into the Yangtze River after 60 km in the Enshi Autonomous Prefecture springs.

"Wild Man"

For centuries, and today again again and again, are from Shennongjia tales, legends and (supposed) known eyewitness accounts of encounters with anthropomorphic beings, the so-called Yeren (野人) ( Chinese for "Wild Man "). The tradition complex is very similar to the reports of snow people from Tibet. So it is not surprising that Shennongjia is now also become a " pilgrimage " of cryptozoologists from China and partly also from abroad.
