
The Pluviôse (also Pluviose; German also rainy month) is the fifth month of the Republican Calendar of the French Revolution. He follows the Nivôse, it follows the Ventôse.

The name is (belonging to the rain ) derived from the Latin word family - pluv. The Pluviôse is the second month of the winter quarter ( mois d' hiver ). It starts at about the 23 January and ends around February 21.

Day names

Like all months of the French Revolution calendar had the Pluviôse 30 days, which were divided into 3 decades. The days were named after agricultural plants, except for the 5th and 10th day of each decade. The 5th day ( Quintidi ) was named after a pet, the 10th day ( Decadi ) to an agricultural implement.

Conversion Table

Conversion example

To be determined is the 10th Pluviôse X.

The year X in the middle table, including the Gregorian year 1802. Among the 10 (upper line days ) is the 30th Since this month before the transition ( 31 → 1 ) is, January is meant.

The Gregorian date is therefore January 30, 1802.

See also: Conversion table between Gregorian and Republican calendars
