Prié blanc

The white grape Prié Blanc is regarded as autochthonous variety Alpine Aosta Valley in northern Italy. It is identical with that of Victor Pulliat (1888 ) described the variety Agostenga of Piedmont ( syn. Précoce vert de Madère ). The variety was (also called Yellow silk grape) according to Andreas Jung as past Leipzig, Green Silk Grape and Kilianer in association with Luglienga Bianca grown (→ Viticulture in Germany ) in Germany. Recent findings come from Radebeul, where a estimated 250 ( 350) years old vines in the vineyard Radebeuler Golden car stands rounders (Saale ), Potsdam and Rüdesheim ( Middle Rhine ). Both varieties are known for late-medieval group of the early Italians Blanck, in Saxony, Lake Constance and the Rhine as Early Leipzig. In Franconia they were called early grapes, grape silk at Heidelberg, in the Tyrol in Austria Silltrauben and raisin grapes.

The variety fits very well in areas with short growing seasons such as the highlands of the alpine valleys or on the northern border of vines in Northern Europe. Historically, it is described from the Mark Brandenburg, where it has survived in Potsdam in the vineyard of the Prussian kings until today.

On a dry stone wall in the golden carriage, a vineyard of Radebeuler Loessnitz, is the fourth oldest with an estimated age of 250 to 350 years vine in the world and the second oldest Rebstock Germany. He is mentioned there as Early (r ) Leipzig.

Prié Blanc in the Italian Aosta Valley

Prié blanc is sorted input in the DOC wine Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle. The vineyards at Morgex and La Salle located at an altitude of 900 to 1,200 m above sea level. Since the year 1970, the variety is entered in the Italian variety list Catalogo Nazionale delle varietà di viti. In the 2000 census, the area under vines was given as 39 acres.

A grape variety was favored by cultural elite that casts out very late and ripens early. This negative influences are avoided by late spring frosts in April and early May and offset the short growing season in the montane mountain stage. In most cases, they can be harvested before the first onset of snowfall. Last total failure of the crop due to snowfall, there were in the years 1968 and 1981.

This one pulls the Prié Blanc on low pergolas. Thus, the vine before violent storms is better protected and the berries are close to the ground and benefit from the warmed by the sun soil, which slowly releases the stored heat at night or during short cold snaps.

The vines are still ungrafted. The wines of Prié blanc are acidity and usually easy foamy. They have a great freshness. In warmer continental areas the raisins were used as a sweet reserve.

In the course of time clones have emerged, one of which Prié biotipo Blanc Blanc de Morgex is the most common. The Calo et al. 2006 described from the Aosta Valley variety Blanc de Morgex is an independent variety, which differs from Agostenga by strong woolly leaves.


Prié Blanc comes from the grape variety Lignan Blanc. The second crossing partner is unknown. For extensive DNA testing, it was discovered that the variety has been cultivated for a long time in the Spanish province of Ávila under the name Legiruela. The spread in the Ávila province, north of Valladolid Albillo grape originated in turn from a cross between Prié Blanc and an as yet unidentified species. The grape varieties Prëmetta and Mayolet are also related to Prié Blanc.

Prié Blanc is now one of a group of grape varieties that were able to hold in the geographical insularity of the Alpine regions of Italy and the Valais in Switzerland. This group includes the following varieties:


Prié Blanc is also known under the following synonyms: Agostana, Agostina, Agostinga, Agostenga, Augustina, August grape, Bernarde Bernarde nel Vallese, Bernardine, Bianca Capello, Blanc commun, Blanc de La Salle, Blanc de Morgex, Blanc du Valdigne Blanc wholesale, Blanc petit, Cibebo bianco, Early green Madeira, Early Leipzig, Giruelo, Gros blanc, Hedvabne Zlute, Hedvabne zelene, Kienzheimer, Kilianer, Legiruela, Leipzig early, Lugliatica verde, Luglienca bianca (erroneously ) Lyany mello, Madeleine verte de la dorée, Malvasia belaia, Malvasia know early on Malvaziya belaya, Pearls robbery, petit blanc, Précoce de Kientzheim, Pri, Prie bianco, Rabolina knows raisin d' Aout, raisin grapes, silk grape green, Silltraube, Uva Agostina, Uva d' Agosto, Uva Luce, Vert de précoce Madère, Weißwälscher, Zibebe white.
