Remote backup service

As an online backup, online backup or web backup is called a backup over the Internet. This is done on datastores an Internet service provider in a data center.

This method relieves the user, even to obtain reliable data storage to check regularly to manage and secure from loss.


The customer will receive after registration a user name and a password for access to the data backup. The technical requirement is an Internet connection. The software for data backup or upload a Website should ensure a secure encryption to protect the transmitted data against unauthorized access.

Because the data transfer rate of Internet access usually only a fraction of those drives and local area networks, the software can perform data compression, as far as possible. Already compressed data stored - for example in the file formats ZIP, JPEG, MPEG or MP3 - they can hardly continue to compress.

Access to the Internet with a data transfer rate of 1 Mbit / s can theoretically 450 MB per hour and 10.5 GB per day are transmitted. Example, this is a possible data transmission rate when uploading via ADSL 6000 in Germany. With faster Internet connections such as VDSL by higher data transfer speeds are still possible. Some service providers offer to exchange large amounts of data using disk in the mail, which lends itself especially for a larger initial backup.

The first provider in Germany was the GRAU DATA with the product WebAttachedBackup that came on the market in 1999. The product is still operated by the Web2Know GmbH, a subsidiary of the company COMback GmbH in the former nuclear bunker the state government of Baden- Württemberg, in the Black Forest. Thus, the Web2Know GmbH is the product Web Attached Backup longest serving online backup provider in Germany.

Because of the relatively low data transfer rate is the process of incremental backup in which only new and changed data is copied to special significance. Browse Some vendors with their software files by modified parts and transfer only the changed data blocks to the data memory ( block-level ). Some recognize when files have been renamed only and not transfer them again. Renamed file folder and moved files can not always be recognized, which can lead to re- file transfers.

Some solutions, such as network drive, Novell iFolder, Dropbox, Folio Cloud or Recovery Guard offer features such as encryption of data on the server, the award of file access rights to certain other users or user groups that replicate data to multiple server and version control of changes to, making similar properties of so-called distributed file systems can be achieved. If one is to Restrict access to the functionality of these software overlaps partially with those for file sharing.

Some solutions such as network drive entertain your server structure exclusively in Germany, so all traffic is subject to the strict German data protection laws, with the result of additional security against unauthorized access. Few solutions yet also offer an end-to -end encryption, by which the data is already encrypted locally on your own computer and are therefore already encrypted on the way toward the server safely.

Modern providers offer in their software not only online backup, but also the parallel backup to local media such as a tape drive or USB peripherals. Companies should make sure that SQL databases are supported as for example, Microsoft SQL Server, and a complete system recovery Disaster recovery is included in case of a server failure. Useful is also a direct, in the online backup software integrated virus scanner, which checks to back up or restore the data and thus increases the security of the backup.

