Resian dialect

The Resianische is a Slovenian dialect that has developed its own literary language apart from the standard Slovene. Spoken it is in twelve villages in Resia Valley in the Italian region Friuli- Venezia Giulia. The number of speakers of Resianischen amounts to only 1,500 people; usually be at least four different sub- dialects: that of Njiva ( Gniva ), Bela (San Giorgio), Osojane ( Oscacco ) and Solbica ( Stolvizza ).

The Resia Valley is separated from the actual Slovenian language area by a ridge of the Julian Alps as a natural border and the Italian- Slovenian border. Together with the numerous peculiarities exhibited by the Resianische against the Slovene, this isolated location has meant that it was a micro- literary language. In the 19th century published religious texts on Resianisch, and also the school religious instruction was temporarily granted to Resianisch. Especially since the second half of the 20th century, there are also publications of literary or poetic texts in resianischer language, such as poems, folk songs and fairy tales. Complicated by the diversity of dialects resianischen was not until in the 1990s the introduction of a uniform orthography, and a single alphabet.

A curiosity of this dialect are traces of Vigesimalsystems who uses it in contrast to the neighboring Slovenian and Friulian dialects from 60: 60 is trïkart dwisti (3 x 20 ), 70 is trïkart dwisti nu DESAT (3 x 20 10 ), 80 is štirikrat dwisti ( 4 x 20 ) and 90 is štirikrat dwisti nu DESAT ( 4 x 20 10).
