Robert Ghiz

Robert Ghiz ( born January 21, 1974 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Iceland ) is a Canadian politician. He's since June 12, 2007 Prime Minister of Prince Edward Iceland and son of former Prime Minister of the province, Joe Ghiz ( 1986-93 ). He is a member of the Prince Edward Iceland Liberal Party and its chairman since 2003.

Ghiz grew up in Charlottetown. He served in the Reserve of the Canadian Forces, and received his bachelor's degree in political science at Bishop's University.

Under Ghiz ' leadership, the Liberal Party on May 28, 2007 won the parliamentary elections in Prince Edward Iceland, making the eleven-year tenure of Pat Binns, the senior Premier of a Canadian province, was completed. Since the elections on 3 October 2011, the Liberals hold 23 of the 27 seats in the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Iceland.


Canada: Stephen Harper Alberta: Dave Hancock | British Columbia: Christy Clark | Manitoba Greg Selinger | Newfoundland and Labrador Kathy Dunderdale | New Brunswick David Alward | Nova Scotia: Stephen McNeil | Ontario: Kathleen Wynne | Prince Edward Iceland: Robert Ghiz | Quebec: Pauline Marois | Saskatchewan Brad Wall | Northwest Territories Floyd Roland | Nunavut: Peter Taptuna | Yukon Territory: Darrell Pasloski

Colony Prince Edward Iceland (1851-1873) Coles | Holl | Coles | Palmer | Gray | Pope | Coles | Hensley | Haythorne | Pope | Haythorne

Prince Edward Iceland Province ( 1873 ) Pope | Owen | Davies | Sullivan | McLeod | F. Peters | Warburton | Farquharson | A. Peters | Haszard | Palmer | Mathieson | Arsenault | Bell | Stewart | Saunders | Lea | Stewart | MacMillan | Lea | T. Campbell | Jones | Matheson | Shaw | A. Campbell | B. Campbell | MacLean | Lee | J. Ghiz | Call Beck | Milligan | Binns | R. Ghiz

  • Prime Minister (Prince Edward Iceland )
  • Canadian
  • Born in 1974
  • Man