Roger François

Roger François ( born October 9, 1900 in Romans- sur -Isere, Drome, † February 16, 1949 ) was a French weightlifter. It was 1928 Olympic champion at middleweight.


Roger François began after the First World War with the weight lifting. He was a member of the Societé Athlétique Montmartroise Paris. In 1921, he earned his first major competition, the Championship of Paris and was already 1922 in Tallinn world champion in the light heavyweight ( to 82.5 kg of body weight). He started three times in the Olympic Games in Paris in 1924, in Amsterdam in 1928 and 1932 in Los Angeles. His greatest sporting achievements was winning the gold medal in Amsterdam. On October 21, 1927 François was at the legendary international match France against Germany here and beat a middleweight ( 75 kg body weight) of 320 kg in the Olympic triathlon the Würzburg Franz Zinner, which reached 312.5 kg. Between 1925 and 1927, no international championships were held, in which he could start. In these years he was at the zenith of its power strength. After the French Championships in 1929, he resigned, but ventured a comeback in 1932 for the Olympic Games in Los Angeles and finished there with the same power, which had in 1928 still earned him the Olympic gold medal, an honorable fourth place.

Roger François died in 1949, only 48 years old.

International success

(OS = Olympic Games, WM = World Championship, Mi = middleweight, Hs = light heavyweight, OD = Olympic triathlon consisting of beidarmigem Press, Snatch and Jerk, FK = pentathlon, consisting of the OD one-arm snatch and one-arm bumping )

French Championships

Roger François in 1922, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1928 and 1929 French champion at middleweight.

World Records

All his records François scored at middleweight.

In beidarmigen Press:

In beidarmigen tearing:

  • 95 kg, 1923 in Paris,
  • 97.5 kg, 1923 in Paris.

In Olympic triathlon:

  • 335 kg, 1928 in Amsterdam.