Sardinian Action Party

The Partito Sardo d' Azione ( Sardinian: Su Partitu Sardu ) ( Sardinian Action Party ) is a regionalist party in Sardinia. It was established after the First World War by Emilio Lussu and other veterans of the Infantry Brigade Sassari.

After the Second World War, three-quarters of the members were openly separatist, which is why the founder Lussu turned away from the party and a Partito Sardo d' Azione Socialista ( Socialist Sardinian Action Party ) founded that immediately burst into the Partito Socialista Italiano.

Currently, the PSdAz stands in opposition to the center-right government. In the provincial elections of 2005 allied with the center-left parties PSdAz reached 5.5 percent of the votes, he especially did well in the province of Nuoro and Oristano.

Nieuw- Vlaamse Alliantie (Belgium / Flanders) | ProDG (Belgium / German ) | OMO Ilinden Pirin (Bulgaria / Macedonian ) | Schleswigsche Party ( Denmark / German ) | Bavaria Party ( Germany / Bavaria ) | The Frisians ( Germany / Friesland) | Lusatian Allianz ( Germany / sorbent ) | Suedschleswigscher Wählerverband ( Germany / Danes and Frisians ) | Åland Framtid ( Finland / Åland ) | Unvaniezh Demokratel Breizh (France / Bretagne ) | Unitat Catalana (France / Northern Catalonia ) | Partit Occitan (France / Occitania ) | Partitu di a Nazione Corsa (France / Corsica ) | Mouvement Région Savoie ( France / Savoie ) | Ligue Savoisienne (France / Savoie ) | Our country (France / Alsace ) | Ouranio Toxo (Greece / Macedonian ) | Scottish National Party ( UK / Scotland ) | Plaid Cymru (UK / Wales ) | Mebyon Kernow (UK / Cornwall) | Partito Sardo d' Azione (Italy / Sardinia ) | South Tyrolean freedom (Italy / South Tyrol) | autonomy Liberté Participation Écologie (Italy / Aosta Valley ) | Liga Veneta Repubblica (Italy / Veneto) | Slovenska Skupnost (Italy / Slovenia ) | Lista za Rijeku (Croatia / Rijeka) | Fryske Nasjonale Partij ( Netherlands / Friesland) | Enotna Lista ( Austria / Slovenia ) | Ruch Autonomii Śląska (Poland / Schlesien ) | Strana živnostníkov Slovenska (Slovakia / Prešov and Košice ) | Eusko Alkartasuna (Spain and France / Basque country ) | Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Spain / Galicia ) | Partido Andalucista (Spain / Andalusia ) | Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Spain / Catalonia ) | Chunta Aragonesista (Spain / Aragon ) | FEDERACIÓ PSM - Entesa Nacionalista de les Illes Balears (Spain / Balearic Islands ) | Moravané (Czech Republic / Moravia )

Parties with observer status Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā (Latvia / Russia ) | Aralar (Spain / Basque Country ) | Bloc Nacionalista Valencian (Spain / Valencia) | Nueva Canarias (Spain / Canary Islands)

  • Policy ( Sardinia)
  • Regional Party ( Italy)
  • Secessionist Organization ( Italy)
  • Founded in 1920