Galician Nationalist Bloc

The Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG, Spanish: Bloque Nacionalista Gallego, German: Galician Nationalist Block) is a political party founded in 1982 in Spain. It is a group of left- nationalist parties in Galicia; it defends the Galician language. It occurs as a regional organization for the Galicia region's autonomy and was until 2009 part of the Galician government coalition.

The gradual rise of the party in the 1980s and 1990s reached its peak in the Galician regional elections of 1997, in which they having 24.8 % of the vote the second largest party after the conservative People's Party ( PP) and before the Galician Socialists ( PSdeG, a sub-organization of the PSOE ) was.

Since then, however, the party underwent repeated loss of votes; in the regional elections in 2005 it reached only 13 seats (19 % of the vote ). However, in the same election, the PP lost the absolute majority it had previously possessed. This allowed the formation of a coalition government between PSOE and BNG - PSdeG. In regional elections on March 1, 2009, the BNG only came to 16% of the vote and 12 seats, while the PP back won an absolute majority.

In the Spanish general elections in 2004, 2008 and 2011, the BNG won two parliamentary seats in the Spanish Congress of Deputies. At European level, it is part of the European Free Alliance (EFA ), an alliance regionalist parties. Under the alliance, it occurs together with other Spanish parties - Eusko Alkartasuna (EA ), Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya ( ERC), Partido Andalucista and Chunta Aragonesista - to European elections on. In the European Parliament the BNG put it in the 1999-2004 term a deputy; at the 2004 European elections, the Spanish EFA- list connection reached a total of only one seat in the European Parliament, which was occupied first by Bernat Joan i Marí (ERC ), as of June 2007 by Mikel Irujo (EA).
