Silurus soldatovi

Silurus soldatovi

Called Silurus soldatovi in English Soldatov 's Catfish or Northern sheatfish, in Russian сом Солдатова and Mandarin Chinese怀 头 鲶, is a large catfish species from the Far East.

Occurrence and habitat

Silurus soldatovi lives in Amurbecken (eg Ussuri ) in Russia and China. On the Chinese side, it occurs for example in the Heilongjiang River and Liao He. Silurus soldatovi preferred water temperatures from 5 to 25 ° C.


Silurus soldatovi has a large flattened head. Its mouth is blunt and rounded, the upper jaw is shorter than the lower jaw. Barbels are located on the upper jaw and chin. It has the following formula fins: Dorsal six soft rays, 83-90 anal soft rays. His life is given as 20 years. Silurus soldatovi can be up to four meters long and 40 kilograms.

Way of life

Over the life of the rare Silurus soldatovi little is known.

Economic Importance

Silurus soldatovi is a popular food fish that can be kept in aquaculture due to its high protein content, the savory meat and its rapid growth. In addition, he also tolerates low water temperatures well.

Hazardous situation

The stock of Silurus soldatovi is threatened by overfishing, habitat degradation and water pollution. Due to its localized distribution and the low population density, the population is now considered endangered.
