St Cyrus

, Formerly called St Cyrus Ecclesgreig, is a town on the southern border of the Scottish Unitary Authority Aberdeenshire. It is located about seven kilometers northeast of Montrose and about 22 km southwest of Stonehaven on the North Sea coast. The population of St Cyrus has historically been subject to large fluctuations. During the mid-19th century, about 1,500 people lived in St Cyrus, the number dropped steadily to 340 in 1971. Since a population increase to 902 inhabitants in 2001, is again recorded.

The areas between St Cyrus and the North Sea, consisting of dunes, grasslands, cliffs and beach are designated as a nature reserve. These areas are known as nesting areas of terns. In St Cyrus salmon fishing is operated. The salmon draw this in a southerly direction along the coast to reach the few kilometers south river North Esk.

The highway A92 ( Perth Stonehaven ) runs through St Cyrus and includes the village on to the road network. A few kilometers west runs the leading from Edinburgh to Fraserburgh A90. St Cyrus was once connected by a railway station on the railway network. The route, however, was dismantled in the meantime. The Glasgow to Aberdeen Line and Edinburgh to Aberdeen Line First ScotRail run west past St Cyrus and ride the train stations in the nearby towns of Montrose and Laurencekirk to.

Historical Cemetery

Path to the beach at St Cyrus
