Suuremõisa, Hiiu County

58.86522.951944Koordinaten: 58 ° 52 'N, 22 ° 57 ' E

Suuremõisa ( German Grossenhof ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Pühalepa ( Pühalepa vald ).

Description and History

The town is located on the second largest Estonian island of Hiiumaa ( German Dagö ) at the strategic crossroads between Heltermaa, Kärdla and Käina.

With 187 inhabitants Suuremõisa is the largest village in the rural community The area is 8.1 km ².

The place name Grossenhof was first mentioned in documents in 1633. The settlement arose from the village of Suur- Hallikakülla. The Evangelical Lutheran Church was located in the nearby village Pühalepa, the Orthodox church in the village of Kuri.

Best of Suuremõisa

In the 16th century it was seat of the main heritage of the island of Hiiumaa. It maintained numerous Beigüter and was for several centuries until the rise of the island's capital Kärdla the economic center of Hiiumaa.

The 1760 finished castle-like mansion is one of the most magnificent Baroque buildings in Estonia.

To the manor house there is a park, which is the largest on the island of Hiiumaa, with an area of 45 hectares. He is a nature reserve.


World's most famous daughter of the village was the Soviet - Estonian politician meta Vannas (1924-2002), who was born in Suuremõisa. The winner of Order of Lenin was from 1969 to 1975 Minister in the Estonian SSR, and then held up to 1985 high posts in the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR.
