
Svealand, coarse country geographically central Sweden, is the average of the three parts of the country ( landsdelar ) in Sweden.

The concept

Svealand includes the counties of Dalarna, Västmanland, Uppland, Värmland, Orebro and Södermanland. Previously also Gastrikland was one of them, now part of Norrland, and the Åland Islands, which now belong to the Republic of Finland.

The region has an area of ​​91,098 km ² and a population of 3.6104 million (as at 31 December 2007).

Svealand was the former name for the spreading area of the Svea around Lake Mälaren around. The Swedish name of Sweden, Sverige, means about realm of Svea and refers to the region Svealand. The oldest Swedish name was probably Sväthiud and is based on the Icelandic Svithiod, meant the people of the Svea.

In today's Sweden is the classification according to the country of marginal interest. It is mainly used in meteorology and in summary statistics. In the NUTS breakdown is used today - something comprehensive - for the area of ​​Central Sweden (Swedish Mellansverige ) as following Riksområdena ( Reich territories):

  • Stockholm / Stockholms län ( SE11/SE110 )
  • Östra Mellansverige ( SE12, East - Central Sweden ') with Uppsala ( SE311 ), Södermanland ( SE122 ), Östergötland ( SE123 ), Örebro ( SE124 ) and Västmanland County ( SE125 )
  • Norra Mellansverige ( SE31, North - Central Sweden ') with Värmland ( SE311 ), Dalarna ( SE312 ) and Gävleborg ( SE313 )