Tabivere Parish

Tabivere ( German: Tabbifer ) is an Estonian rural municipality in the county Jõgeva with an area of 201 km ². It has 2 454 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2010).

In addition to capital Tabivere (1118 inhabitants), the parish includes the villages Elistvere ( German: Ellistfer ) Juula, Kaiavere, Kaitsemõisa, Kassema, Koogi, Kõduküla, Kõnnujõe, Kõrenduse, Kärksi, Lilu, Maarja, Õvanurme, Otslava, Pataste, Raigastvere, Reinu, Sepa, Sortsi, Tormi, Uhmardu, Vahi, Valgma and Voldi.

Tabivere was first mentioned in 1585 as Tarbafer documented. The municipality is situated on the banks of the lakes Saadjärv, Raigastjärv and Soitsjärv. The landscape is dominated by forests.
