Unser Land

Our country - Le Parti Alsatian is a regional party in the French Alsace. It calls for greater autonomy for Alsace. The party emerged from the Alsace People's Union, the Organization Fer 's Alsace and smaller groups. The new party was officially founded on 11 February 2010.

The party is a member of the Association of French regional parties Fédération régions et Peuples Solid Aires and at European level member of the European Free Alliance.

Alsatian People's Union

The Alsace People's Union ( French: Union du Peuple Alsatian, UPA) was founded in 1988.

In the European elections of 2009, the party was received by the French Greens and other parties a list of connection under the name Europe Écologie, which managed to be the third strongest party in France and to send 14 representatives to the European Parliament.


In its party program calls our country a stronger decentralization of France, the creation of a regional executive and a regional educational system under its own school administration. On the agenda will be the strengthening of local media, the creation of a European university with its headquarters in Strasbourg, the formation of an administrative unit Strasbourg - Kehl, and the closure of the nuclear power station at Fessenheim. Also called for the merger of the two départements of Alsace: Bas- Rhin and Haut -Rhin.

The party went on in the regional elections in March 2010 in the department of Haut-Rhin together with Europe Écologie. On 27 March 2011 Our country won a mandate in the elections in Canton Canton Sarre- Union for the first time. In the parliamentary elections in 2012 in the constituency Bas -Rhin 7 Denis joined with love to a candidate of the party, reaching 9.65% in the first round.

Nieuw- Vlaamse Alliantie (Belgium / Flanders) | ProDG (Belgium / German ) | OMO Ilinden Pirin (Bulgaria / Macedonian ) | Schleswigsche Party ( Denmark / German ) | Bavaria Party ( Germany / Bavaria ) | The Frisians ( Germany / Friesland) | Lusatian Allianz ( Germany / sorbent ) | Suedschleswigscher Wählerverband ( Germany / Danes and Frisians ) | Åland Framtid ( Finland / Åland ) | Unvaniezh Demokratel Breizh (France / Bretagne ) | Unitat Catalana (France / Northern Catalonia ) | Partit Occitan (France / Occitania ) | Partitu di a Nazione Corsa (France / Corsica ) | Mouvement Région Savoie ( France / Savoie ) | Ligue Savoisienne (France / Savoie ) | Our country (France / Alsace ) | Ouranio Toxo (Greece / Macedonian ) | Scottish National Party ( UK / Scotland ) | Plaid Cymru (UK / Wales ) | Mebyon Kernow (UK / Cornwall) | Partito Sardo d' Azione (Italy / Sardinia ) | South Tyrolean freedom (Italy / South Tyrol) | autonomy Liberté Participation Écologie (Italy / Aosta Valley ) | Liga Veneta Repubblica (Italy / Veneto) | Slovenska Skupnost (Italy / Slovenia ) | Lista za Rijeku (Croatia / Rijeka) | Fryske Nasjonale Partij ( Netherlands / Friesland) | Enotna Lista ( Austria / Slovenia ) | Ruch Autonomii Śląska (Poland / Silesia ) | Strana živnostníkov Slovenska (Slovakia / Prešov and Košice ) | Eusko Alkartasuna (Spain and France / Basque country ) | Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Spain / Galicia ) | Partido Andalucista (Spain / Andalusia ) | Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Spain / Catalonia ) | Chunta Aragonesista (Spain / Aragon ) | FEDERACIÓ PSM - Entesa Nacionalista de les Illes Balears (Spain / Balearic Islands ) | Moravané (Czech Republic / Moravia )

Parties with observer status Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā (Latvia / Russia ) | Aralar (Spain / Basque Country ) | Bloc Nacionalista Valencian (Spain / Valencia) | Nueva Canarias (Spain / Canary Islands)

  • Organization ( Alsace )
  • French Party
  • Regional party