Vittorio Feltri

Vittorio Feltri ( born June 25, 1943 in Bergamo ) is an Italian journalist. Since August 2009 he has been director of the standing owned by the Berlusconi family newspaper Il Giornale.

  • 2.1 trial


Feltri began his journalism career in 1962 at the newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo, where he was responsible for the review of current movies. As a result, he was hired as an editor at the daily newspaper La Notte.

1974 Gino Palumbo offered him a post in the Corriere d' informazione to, three years later moved to the Corriere della Sera of the Feltri. The management of the newspaper was at the time when Piero Ottone. In 1983 he became director of the BergamoOggi; a year later, however, he returned as a special correspondent for Corriere della Sera.

In 1989, Feltri the management of the weekly L' Europeo. According to its own information during his directorate time he had a circulation increase of 78,000 to 140,000 units.

Director of L' Independente

In 1992, Ricardo Franco Levi Feltri of the management of the weekly L' Independente. The newspaper was at this time in a serious financial crisis. But Feltri succeeded through clever use of civil outrage over the national scandal of Mani pulite to modernize the L' Independente and expand to a successful newspaper. Particularly sharp attacks on the part of the L' Independente had to take the General Secretary of the Italian Socialist Party, Bettino Craxi.

In April 1993 Feltri met the former entrepreneur Silvio Berlusconi know, who offered him a position with his financial holding company Fininvest. He rejected this offer, however. During the same year, the edition of L' Independente reached 120,000 copies and thus overtook the direct competitors Il Giornale.

Director at Il Giornale (1994 - 1997)

In January 1994 Feltri was contacted by Paolo Berlusconi, the editor of the newspaper Il Giornale, who offered him the management of the newspaper. After Feltri had recently rejected such an offer nor publicly vehemently, he took over the management of the Giornale as the successor of Indro Montanelli.

Feltri remained four years at Il Giornale and recorded an increase in circulation from 130,000 to 250,000 copies. During the same period he maintained a heading in the weekly magazine Panorama, collaborating with other Italian newspapers such as the Il Foglio, Il Messaggero and Il Gazzettino.

On November 8, 1997 declared Feltri after 35 complaints against him had been filed, all of his newspaper articles against the opponents of Silvio Berlusconi Antonio Di Pietro as misguided and defined them as mere election rhetoric. In December of the same year Feltri resigns after he published an extremely benevolent article about Antonio Di Pietro. At this time, Il Giornale had reached 250,000 copies its absolute edition climax.

Inn the following years took Feltri the line of various newspapers, such as Il Borghese and the Quotidiano Nazionale. He also took over on June 1, 1999, the directors of the publishing group Gruppo Monti Riffeser.

Director of Libero

On 18 July 2000 Feltri founded the independent and liberal- conservative -oriented daily newspaper Libero. He maintained until his resignation on 30 July 2009 held the line of the newspaper as a director and editor.

The Libero appeared for the first time on 18 July 2000 and is strongly oriented towards the political content of the center- right parties in Italy. Feltri defined the style of his new newspaper as sarcastic, snappy and politically incorrect. Characteristic is the sometimes irreverent representation of politicians and political events. With this concept Feltri achieved an increase of the requirements at the beginning of 70,000 to 220,000 copies.

On 21 November 2001 was canceled Vittorio Feltri from the professional register of the Lombard journalists. Feltri had previously published a list of all standing under Pädophilieanklage Italians. In February 2003, the National Association of Journalists raised on this deletion.

Director at Il Giornale (2009)

On 21 August 2009 Feltri again took over the management of Il Giornale.

In the last week of August 2009 Feltri undertook a serious attack on Dino Boffo, director of the Catholic Avvenire. He took advantage of alleged harassment allegations against homosexual character Boffo. The attacks called forth indignant criticism on the part of the Italian Episcopal Conference ( CEI) and ended with the resignation Boffos on 3 September 2009.


In an article in the weekly magazine L'espresso in the September 2009 public doubts about the credibility of the journalistic work Feltris were raised for the first time. According to various newspaper reports of espresso Feltris disagreed with the facts or were even fictitious. Among other things, it became a sensational report about the investigation in the case of Aldo Moro and an article about the spread of leprosy in Sicily out to be false. A published by Feltri interview with the singer-songwriter Francesco De Gregori was probably faked and the report on the shots of the escort of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro to a fire department helicopter untrue. On November 5, 1995 sat Feltri the only director of an Italian newspaper the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, on the title page.

Legal proceedings

On 14 February 2006 Feltri was sentenced in Bologna to a prison sentence of one year and six months. The court had found him of defaming the Senators of the Left Democrats Gerardo Chiaromontes guilty. The judgment refers to an article published in Quotidiano Nazionale articles, in which the name of the Senator in the so-called dossier was published Mitrokhin.

On 2 July 2007 Feltri was acquitted in a cassation of the charge of defamation against the prosecutor Gherardo Colombo. In an article that appeared in Il Giornale in 1999, had accused the Feltri with the case of Mani pulite dealt prosecutor 's unilateral investigations against Silvio Berlusconi. The court in this case shows the guaranteed by the Article 21 of the Italian Constitution, freedom of criticism.

On 7 August 2007 Feltri, together with Franco Baldo Chiocci and Società di Edizioni SpA convicted by a Court of Cassation to pay restitution in the amount of 45,000 euros to physician and writer Rosario Bentivegna. In several articles that were published in the daily newspaper Il Giornale, Bentivegna had been compared to the SS officer Erich Priebke.
