Workers' Communist Party (Norway)

Work ern Communist Parti (ACP; The Communist Party of the Workers ), formerly work ern Communist Parti ( marxist - leninistene ) (AKP (ml ) ); The Communist Party of the Workers ( the Marxist - Leninist) was a Marxist- Leninist party in Norway ( 1973-2007 ).


The AKP (ml ) was established on 18 February 1973 as a Maoist- aligned party. She went mainly from the youth association ( Sosialistisk Ungdomsforbund, from 1969 with additional ml) of the Socialist People's Party (then Sosialistisk Folkeparti ) shows that since the late 60s embarked on a pro- Chinese course and from 1969 with observations in Beijing Rundschau word had reported. The AKP (ml ) rejected the policy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the aligned to the CPSU Communist Party of Norway ( NKP ) from as revisionist. Ideologically, the party followed the theories of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and especially the ideas of Mao Zedong, they " apply in the class struggle in Norway " wanted. Political models were the CPSU until the death of Stalin, the Communist Party of China (CPC ), the Party of Labour of Albania ( PDAA ) and various liberation movements.

Due to the full consistency with the policies of the CCP party delegations have been invited several times in the People's Republic of China, as well as explanations, greetings and articles from the party organs in the Beijing Rundschau printed. Special interest excited by the Chinese Communists the opinions of the AKP (ml ) to the policy of the Soviet Union, which had been mostly copied from Chinese publications. Several times, the Soviet Union was in the journals of the ACP (ml ) compared with the German Empire at the time of National Socialism. In the late 1970s, the AKP (ml ) actively supported Pol Pot, who on September 29, 1978 gave a banquet for the then party chairman Pål Steigan during his visit to Phnom Penh.

The AKP (ml ) worked in her early years closely with other Scandinavian ML parties together with whom they held several times conferences. She was also a member of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations, and was thus a sister party of the MLPD.

From 1973, the AKP (ml ) participated as part of the Red Electoral Alliance ( Rød Valgallianse / Raud Valallianse; RV) in elections to the Storting, scoring results between 0.4 % (1973 ) and 1.7 % ( 1997). 1993 were 1.1% of the votes a seat for the RV in the Norwegian Parliament.

The AKP (ml ) had (temporarily) own newspaper class Kampen (initially monthly, then weekly, daily), a theoretical journal Røde Fane (Red Flag ) and a publisher in October, came out in the revolutionary literature.

The number of members is not known, however, speak a few sources of least 1,500 members. That the membership of the AKP (ml ) consisted to a large part of university graduates and students could be veiled, that these were stopped in the 70s to work in factories. The party was observed by the Norwegian kingdom news service.

The Norwegian political scientist Bernt Hagtvet keeps the party responsible for the crimes of the Khmer Rouge, which had supported the party, and criticized a lack of Investigation of Communist history and support for communist genocides.

On 10 March 2007, the ACP merged with the Rød Valgallianse (RV) to the party Rødt.


  • Sigurd Allern (1973-1975)
  • Pål Steigan (1975-1984)
  • Kjersti Ericsson (1984-1988)
  • Siri Jensen (1988-1992)
  • Solveig Aamdal (1992-1997)
  • Jorun Gulbrandsen (1997-2007)

Known members


  • Norwegian Marxist - Leninists intensify the struggle against social - imperialism: resolution from the Workers' Communist Party ( Marxist-Leninist ), Norway, Nov. 2-3 Oslo: October 1975 ISBN 82-7094-097-6
  • AKP (ml ) s tre første ar: vedtak, uttalelser og fra opprop AKP (ml ), febr. 1973 - May 1975; tillegg: Dokumenter fra 1973 og Rød Valgallianse 1975, Oslo: October 1975 ISBN 82-7094-098-4
  • Class struggle: International bulletin of WCP (ml ), Workers' Communist Party ( Marxist-Leninist ) Norway, Oslo: October ( 1977-1985 )

