
Ardore is an Italian town in the province of Reggio Calabria in Calabria with 4794 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012).

Location and data

Ardore is 95 km east of Reggio Calabria. The neighboring municipalities are Benestare, Bovalino, Ciminà, Platì and Sant'ilario dello Ionio. The village lies on the east side of Aspromonte, about 5 km from the coast of the Ionian Sea.


The place was until 1555 owned by the Gerace family. In 1783, the site has been damaged by an earthquake. On the territory of the municipality, a pilgrimage church.


In the place a ruin stands a castle. In the church of S. Leonardo is a Roman sarcophagus.

In the district Bombile is the monastery and the church of Santa Maria della Grotta. The church has been dug into the tuff. The existence is documented for the year 1502, the exact year of construction is not known. The church is a pilgrimage church today.
