
51.71972222222212.09555555555684Koordinaten: 51 ° 43 '11 " N, 12 ° 5' 44" O

Meilendorf is a district of the city in the district of Southern Anhalt Anhalt- Bitterfeld, in Saxony- Anhalt.


Meilendorf between Köthen (Anhalt) and Halle ( Saale).


In 1160 Miles village was first mentioned in documents as Milice.

Until the formation of the unified community Southern Anhalt on 1 January 2010 Meilendorf was an independent municipality in the administrative community Southern Anhalt with the associated hamlets Zehmigkau and Körnitz. Last Mayor of Meilendorf was Britta Friedrich.

Culture and sights

The cruciform church from 1879 was damaged in World War II needs to be fully rehabilitated.

Transport links

West of Meilendorf runs the highway 183 of Bitterfeld -Wolfen to Köthen (Anhalt).
