United Nations Security Council Resolution 11

Resolution 11 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that was decided by the United Nations Security Council in the 80th meeting held on November 15, 1946 without a vote. They dealt with the inclusion of Switzerland in the statutes of the International Court of Justice and laid down the conditions for it.


The International Court of Justice emerged from the Permanent International Court of Justice and operates under the Charter of the United Nations as the " principal judicial organ of the United Nations." In order to enforce its judgments, he has to rely on the Security Council, which also regulates access.


The Security Council recommended that the General Assembly should decide in accordance with Article 93 paragraph 2 of the Charter on the conditions of admission of Switzerland as a party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice. These were:

  • The date of the membership has been dated to the date on which a given deposited Switzerland by the Swiss government commissioned writing using the General Secretary. The letter had to meet all the requirements of the Swiss Constitution and include the following: Agreement with all provisions of the Statute of the International Court of Justice
  • Agreement with all the duties of a member of the United Nations as laid down in Article 94 of the Charter
  • A formal obligation under which a contribution to the expenses of the Court is made. The amount is set by the General Assembly in consultation with the Swiss Government from time to time


The Swiss Federal Assembly authorized the Swiss Federal Council on 12 March 1948 to give the required explanation. The authorization came into force on 17 June 1948. The deposit of the last statement was made on 28 July in 1948 and is therefore considered as the date of accession of Switzerland to the Statute of the International Court of Justice.
