United Nations Security Council Resolution 13

Resolution 13 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that was decided by the United Nations Security Council in its 83rd meeting on December 12, 1946 unanimously. She busied herself with the inclusion of Siam (today's Thailand) as a new member of the United Nations.


In September 1945, Thailand had been re- named back to Siam. Then took over after a landslide victory in the parliamentary elections on January 6, 1946 for the first time the Democratic Party government. It was led by 24 March to 21 August by Prime Minister Pridi Phanomyong. As of August 23 led Thawan Thamrongnawasawat as prime minister the government.

Siam, which had made ​​the request for inclusion on August 3, 1946, asked the Security Council on 28 August, one day before the adoption of Resolution 8, to leave the discussions to rest their admissions process. It should be the result of negotiations with the permanent Security Council member France to wait to territorial disputes in connection with the French -Thai War.

On 17 November, the negotiations had been completed and ended with a cancellation of previous agreements under the leadership of Japan on May 9, 1941. Siam now had large areas of Laos and Cambodia to leave.


The Security Council announced that it has the recording of Siam as a potential new member of the United Nations and recommended to the UN General Assembly to agree to a recording.


Siam joined the United Nations on 16 December 1946.
