Achacachi Municipality

The municipality Achacachi ( Aymara: Jach'ak'achi ) is a district in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.


The municipality Achacachi is one of four (up to 2001: two / and 2009: three) Municipalities of the province Omasuyos and is located in the central part of the province. It is bordered on the northwest by the municipality of Ancoraimes, on the west by Lake Titicaca and to the municipality of Santiago de Huata, to the south of Lake Titicaca, on the southwest by the municipality of Huarina, on the east by the province of Los Andes, and in the north to the provincial Larecaja.

The municipality has 241 localities ( Localidades ), the central location of the municipality is the town with 7,540 inhabitants Achacachi in the central part of the county. Larger towns in the municipality are still Chua Cocani of 850 residents and Warisata with 838 inhabitants ( 2001).


The municipality Achacachi located on the Bolivian Altiplano on the eastern shore of Lake Titicaca at an average altitude of 4000 m, between the Andes mountain ranges of the Cordillera Occidental and the Cordillera Central in the west to the east.

The climate in the area Achacachi is derived from the altitude on the Altiplano and proximity to large water surface of Lake Titicaca, which mitigates the temperature fluctuations. The average annual temperature is 11 ° C (see climate chart Achacachi ), the monthly average in the coldest month (July) is different with 8 ° C only slightly from the warmest months (November to March ) with 12 ° C. The climate is arid from June to August with only sporadic rainfall, and it is humid in the summer months, especially from December to March, with monthly rainfall of sometimes more than 100 mm. The annual rainfall is about 600 mm.


The population of the municipality Achacahi has increased by about a third in the past two decades:

The municipality Achacachi had at the last census of 2001, a population density of 66 inhabitants / km ², the life expectancy of newborns was 59.4 years, and the infant mortality rate was 7.9 per cent ( 1992) slightly to 7.6 percent in 2001 decreased.

The literacy rate for those over 19 years was 71.0 percent, and 86.8 percent, although in men and 57.0 percent for women ( 2001).

66.5 percent of the population at the 2001 census spoke Spanish, 94.1 percent spoke Aymara, Quechua and 0.2 percent. (2001)

59.4 percent of the population had no access to electricity, 83.4 percent were living without sanitation device ( 2001).

57.0 percent of households had a radio in 2001, 16.7 percent have a television, 27.2 percent a bicycle, a motorcycle 0.8 percent, 1.5 percent own a car, 0.6 percent a refrigerator, 1, 3 percent a telephone. (2001)



The municipality is subdivided into ten cantons today ( cantones ):

  • Cantón Achacachi - 18,888 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • Cantón Ajllata Grande - 7,152 inhabitants
  • Cantón Chua Cocani - 1,848 inhabitants
  • Cantón Chuavisalaya - 2,481 inhabitants
  • Cantón Franz Tamayo - 2,837 inhabitants
  • Cantón Huatajata - 2,231 inhabitants
  • Cantón Jancko Amaya - 1,796 inhabitants
  • Cantón Soncachi - 2,453 inhabitants
  • Cantón Villa Asuncion de Corpaputo - 3,741 inhabitants
  • Cantón Warisata - 11,211 inhabitants