Annus mirabilis

Annus mirabilis (Latin for year of wonders ) is used to denote years of special inventions and discoveries, particularly if several significant events fall within one and the same year. The following are some examples of anni mirabiles:

1665/1666 ( Isaac Newton )

In the 19th century described the period around the year 1666, as Isaac Newton had fled from the plague back to his hometown of Woolsthorpe -by- Colsterworth, retrospectively as annus mirabilis, he developed classical mechanics in time and revolutionary discoveries in Analysis, motion, optics and gravitation made ​​. He wrote:

"All this resulting in the two plague years 1665 and 1666, for in those days I was in the prime of my age of invention, and minded mathematics and philosophy more than at any time since. "

" All this was in the two plague years 1665 and 1666, because in those days I was in the prime of my inventive age, musing on mathematics and philosophy more than at any time since then "

1666 ( John Dryden )

John Dryden was inspired by the miraculous containment of Great Brands of London to the poem " annus mirabilis " which made ​​him famous abruptly and 1666 contemporary, the term annus mirabilis earned.

1905 ( Albert Einstein)

The year 1905 is often referred to as the annus mirabilis of physics. This year, Albert Einstein published four groundbreaking papers:

In appreciation of the work of that year, the year Einstein was committed, among others, with the Einstein - mile in Germany in 2005, for the first time a person was the focus of a year of science. Also internationally, especially in the Swiss capital Bern, lived in the Einstein Annus mirabilis during and worked, Einstein was honored as part of the Year of Physics 2005.

1963 ( Philip Larkin )

1963 was the English poet Philip Larkin, according to his eponymous poem Annus Mirabilis be:

" ... Between the end of the " Chatterley " ban And the Beatles ' first LP. "

Events of 1989

The term is "the year 1989 is used in which the wave of democratization in Eastern Europe reached its peak " in the political sense for.
