Badulla District

Badulla is a district in the Uva Province in Sri Lanka. It has an area of 2861 km ². Capital is Badulla.


The population was 2012 811.758 people according to the census.

Population of the district according to ethnic groups

1 Lowland and Kandyan Sinhalese zusammen2 Sri Lankan Tamils ​​and Indian Tamils ​​of Sri Lanka Moors4 separately only 3 of them 2001 184 Sri Lanka Chetties and 264 Bharathas; 2012 43 Sri Lanka Chetties and 9 Bharathas

Population of the district according to confessions


Significant places

The only major town in the district is Badulla. The main locations are:


1958, the present district of Moneragala Badulla was separated.


The head of the district is entitled District Secretary. The district is further divided into fifteen divisions ( under a Division Secretary ). The cities and larger towns have their own government ( municipal council or municipal council ). There are 567 community councils ( Grama Niladharis ) for the 1,996 villages throughout the district.

Pictures of Badulla District
