Barrow Strait

Geographical location

The Barrow Strait is a 270 km long strait in the Canadian territory of Nunavut. It is the narrowest passage of the Parry Channel and connects the Lancaster Sound in the east with the Viscount Melville Sound to the west. Located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Barrow Strait separates the the Queen Elizabeth Islands islands belonging Bathurst, Cornwallis and Devon in the north of the Prince of Wales Iceland, the Russell Iceland and the Iceland Somerset in the south. At its narrowest point, between Cornwallis and Somerset Iceland Iceland, the strait has a width of about 45 kilometers. The settlement Resolute Bay on the Barrow Strait is the only settlement in this area of the Northwest Passage.

Is named the strait after Sir John Barrow, 1st Baronet, a British politician and patron of several official and semi-official expeditions to the Arctic.

Pictures of Barrow Strait
