Bartolomeo Neroni

(Also known as Il Riccio, * 1505 in Siena, † 1571 ibid.) Bartolomeo Neroni was an Italian architect, sculptor, book illustrator and painter of Mannerism.


The painting he first learned at Sodoma, whose daughter he married Faustina 1543. Later he followed the stylistic mannerisms of Domenico Beccafumi. His students included Michelangelo Anselmi and Arcangelo Salimbeni, who completed some of the work after the death of his master. 1532 he completed six of twelve choir books ( Corali ) for the abbey Abbazia Benedettina in Finalpia (part of Finale Ligure ), five of which are located since 1857 in the Biblioteca Civica Berio in Genoa. In the Contradenkirche San Giovannino in Pantaneto the Contrada in Siena Leocorno he designed in 1552 the litter. He also worked for Contradas Istrice in the church of San Pietro alla Magione. After the defeat of the Senese Republic, he was commissioned by the Medici, to strengthen the ramparts of Monterotondo Marittimo. After that, he seems to have been active for several years in Lucca. To 1567, he returned to the transformation of the Santuario di Santa Caterina returned to Siena, where he died in 1571.

Working as an architect in Siena

As an architect Baldassarre Peruzzi him his teacher was primarily a role model. In Siena, he was responsible for the Palazzo Chigi - Piccolomini alla Postierla ( Quattro Cantoni: Piazza Postierla / Via del Capitano ), the Palazzo Francesconi (1520, now Palazzo Coli Bizzarrini, Piazza Gramsci alla Lizza, even as an assistant to Peruzzi ), the Palazzo Zuccantini Zondadari (1545/1547, today Via Montanini ( former Via Cavour) / Via Sasso di San Bernardino / Piazza della Lizza ), the Palazzo Pannilini (1550, also known as Palazzo Zuccantini known Casato di Sopra ) and for the monastery Monastero delle Dere Litte ( 1554, now called Palazzo Sergardi, Pian 'dei Mantellini ). The Sala del Consiglio della Repubblica in the Palazzo Pubblico in 1560, he designed new, since there is the Teatro dei Rinnovati, the most important theaters in the city, which was in the meantime severely damaged by fire and later restored. The last building that was realized according to his plans, was in 1570 the Palazzo Tantucci in Piazza Salimbeni in Siena.

Activities in the Cathedral of Siena

In the cathedral of Siena, he was active for the first time in 1547 when he designed the cathedral organ and completed it four years later. From 1568 to 1569 designed Neroni the lectern of the choir, a year later, he performed the steps to the pulpit of Niccolò Pisano.

Works as a painter (selection)

  • Asciano, the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore: Vita di San Benedetto (1540 arose )
  • Adorazioni dei Pastori (unfinished, by Arcangelo Salimbeni completed )
  • La Natività, canvas painting
  • Marie ai piedi della croce ( Fresco, Capella Chigi Saracini )
  • Cristo Risorto ( Sala Pergolesi )
  • Pietà ( Salotto Rosso )
  • Il Paradiso ( Room 22 )
  • Incoronazione della Vergine (Room 24)
  • Orsola e le Vergini (Room 29)
  • Padre Eterno fiancheggiato because due Profeti ( Oratorio della Cucina, 1567 originated )
  • Gesù che offre a Santa Caterina la crocetta ( Oratorio della Cucina, 1567 originated )
  • Santa Caterina dona la veste a Gesù Pellegrino ( Oratorio della Cucina, 1567 originated )
  • Santa Caterina and San Girolamo ( Church of the Crucifix )