Ben and Me

Ben and I is an American animated short film directed by Hamilton Luske from the year 1953.


A city guide explains a group in front of Benjamin Franklin Memorial, that it is one of the greatest Americans with him. The hat of the monument, on whose Hat tip a mouse is shown, again reported a Mausestadtführer a group of mice that there was a church mouse Amos, who provided services really Benjamin Franklin. Amos grew up as the eldest brother of a whole mice siblings crowd on in a church. In the winter of 1745 he left the family and found in the book printer and bindery of Benjamin Franklin shelter. Benjamin Franklin, Amos soon may call Ben, has big financial problems because his Poor Richard's Almanac sold poorly. Amos encourages you to give the blade a better name and it is from the newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette. Amos draws secretly through the city and so experiences the latest gossip and the biggest scandals that make it to the sheet. Ben is talk of the town and has incidentally also built a furnace to Amos ' proposal. Because Ben also both its near and in his distance glasses, the glasses are cracked, Amos builds out of his glasses each half a glass bifocals, carrying Ben enthusiastically from then on.

However, Ben Experimentierfreudikeit makes time for resentment among Amos, who occasionally has to serve for smaller electricity experiments. After he once threatened to leave Ben, he should miss him once electrocuted, he makes at the end seriously: When Ben lets him fly into a dragon to dissipate lightning during a thunderstorm on a metal tip of the vehicle that also Amos is doing injured. He leaves Ben, after the mouse has asked "whether the blow was electricity ," and runs back to his family in the church. The years pass and finally the 1776 is herangenaht. From Britain imposed taxes provide for resentment among Americans and Ben will be selected to visit the British king and negotiate a compromise. The Americans have been eagerly awaiting his return and also Amos is on the harbor. He looks like any other one bent Ben, the king had no success. Amos wants to help him, however, remembers differently. He has not forgiven him. Some time later, Ben appears in the church in which Amos lived in a mouse hole. He asks Amos to come back to him, and Amos agrees, but only under conditions that he wants to set down in writing. Ben agrees and Amos appears the next day with a small scroll. Ben has not read the requirements, as Thomas Jefferson appears. He has written a speech, but he lacks the beginning. Ben begins to read Amos ' list of demands, which begins with the words "When in the course of human events, it Becomes Necessary ... ". Jefferson is thrilled he has decided to go the beginning of his speech found. Jefferson's speech will be a huge success and opens into the Declaration of Independence. So Amos has a small share also in this event of American history. The mice City Guide City Guide and end their speech on the importance of Benjamin Franklin or mouse Amos before their respective audiences.


Ben and I is based on a children's book by Robert Lawson from the year 1939. Animation originates among others, Les Clark, Ollie Johnston and Wolfgang Reitherman. It was the first Disney film to be distributed by Buena Vista Distribution. Ben and I appeared on 10 November 1953.



Ben and I in 1954 for an Oscar in the category "Best short film (two rolls of film ) " nominated, but could not prevail against In the Land of the bears themselves.

Pictures of Ben and Me
