
Bordères -sur- l'Échez is a commune in the Hautes -Pyrénées, in the Midi -Pyrenees. It is located in Tarbes district and is the capital of the canton Bordères -sur- l'Échez.

Bordères -sur- l'Échez has 4338 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) 15.95 square kilometers and is located about two and a half kilometers to the west in the Bigorre from the Adour. Through the town itself the parallel tributary echez flows.

The place was originally a Gallo- Roman settlement. 1118, the town was placed under the protection of the Knights Templar. The headquarters of the Knights Templar was destroyed. After the destruction of the Knights Templar Order of Malta followed.

Community partnership

Bordères -sur- l'Échez maintains a community partnership with the Catalan church Alcanar.
