Châtillon, Fribourg


Châtillon is a municipality in the canton of Fribourg Broyebezirk in Switzerland.


Châtillon is separated from Lake Neuchâtel by the former municipality font, which now belongs to Estavayer -le- Lac. Next borders Châtillon to Châbles and Lully. From the town of Le Purgatoire a panoramic view is possible from the Jura to the Mont Blanc.

  • Highest point: 607 m
  • Lowest point: 495 m



French is the most spoken language, with a share of 86%. German is spoken by about 11.5 % of the population and a small minority speaks Italian: about 2.2 %.

Religions - faiths

With 64 % is Roman Catholic majority among the religions. Another 25 % of the population profess to Protestantism. The remaining residents are without denomination or belong to other religious communities.


More than three- quarters of the population works in the service sector. There are four intact Farms.


Archaeological excavations at La Vuardaz testify that the place was inhabited before the Gallo - Roman period. The municipality is autonomous since 1801. 1990 was the reservoir Grac taken at the summit la Crête in operation that allows with 680,000 m³ of drinking water annually to supply ten neighboring communities.
