
Cordillera, in the original Spanish Cordillera, called mountain systems in different parts of the world.

Word origin

Spanish cordillera or pluraliter cordilleras is as diminutive to Latin corda ' rope, cord, line, string ' ( cf. German cord ), and corresponds to the German pictorial expression mountain range or cordillera. It is next to the main sierra mountain name in Spanish.

The name is often in those areas where Spanish is an official language or was. Some of these names have not been Germanized, other. One speaks of the Cordillera ( as a collective term of several mountain ranges ) or Cordilleras tantum than plurals.

The most important mountains of this name is the mountain range that runs along the west coast of the American continent double. The word is also represented in English as cordillera, because of the Southeastern United States today was colonized Spanish, and already had a European name, as the western extension of the Conquest in America reached the mountains. The northern Rocky Mountains ( part of this mountain system ) no longer belonged to the Spanish -speaking area and were given an English name.

" Cordillera " as the name of rock formations


  • Betic Cordillera, the Cordilleras in southern Spain Béticas
  • Spanish Cordillera Central, Cordillera Ibérica, vagina Iberian Mountains
  • Cantabrian Cordillera, Cordillera Cantabrica in Spain, see Cantabrian Mountains
  • Catalan coastal mountains, Cordilleras Costero Catalanas: Transversal Cordillera, Cordillera Prelitoral, Cordillera Litoral
  • Moldanubische Cordillera, in the south of Devon Saxothuringian basin situated mountain

North and Central America

  • Arctic Cordillera, along the northeast coast of Canada
  • American Cordillera from North to South America (see below for construction)

Within the American Cordillera are in North and Central America following mountain ranges " Cordillera " called:

  • Pacific Cordillera, another name for the Cascade Range in Canada and the United States
  • Cordillera Volcánica in Mexico
  • Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica


In the Dominican Republic:

  • Cordillera Septentrional
  • Cordillera Oriental
  • Cordillera Central

South America

  • Andean or Andean cordilleras, the South American section of the American Cordillera

The mountain system of the Andean ranges of Colombia in the north to Chile and Argentina in the south. The Andes are divided into different geographic regions that roughly the territories of the Andean countries meet in one to three Cordilleras, each of which extends in a north-south direction and are therefore named after their western, middle or eastern location:

  • Western Cordillera, Cordillera Occidental
  • Cordillera Central, Cordillera Central
  • Eastern Cordillera, Cordillera Oriental

For different sections of the Andes in the individual regions or countries ( see below) are therefore partially uses the same names, but without, for example, to denote a continuous Eastern Cordillera of Colombia on Ecuador and Peru to Bolivia. In addition, there are names for sub-sections and connection between the Cordillera mountain ranges. Where the Andes are not divided, for example, in Chile, the term is simply the Cordillera de los Andes.

In each country, the following mountain ranges are available:

  • Cordillera de Mérida
  • Cordillera de la Costa ( Venezuela)
  • Cordillera Occidental
  • Cordillera Central
  • Cordillera Oriental
  • Cordillera Costanera, coastal mountains in Ecuador, which does not belong to the Andes Make - Chindul Cordillera
  • Chongón - Colonche Cordillera
  • Cordillera de Cochabamba, even Cordillera de la Herradura
  • Cordillera de los Andes, Andes
  • Cordillera de la Costa, the coastal mountains
  • Cordillera Darwin, Tierra del Fuego on the southernmost extension of the Cordillera


  • Philippine Cordillera, Central Cordillera of the North Island of Luzon
  • Annamite Cordillera in Vietnam and Laos, also called Truong Son


  • Australian Cordillera, see Great Dividing Range



  • List ( Geography)