Dennis Marion Schnurr

Dennis Marion Schnurr ( born June 21, 1948 in Sheldon, Iowa, United States) is Archbishop of Cincinnati.


Dennis Marion Schnurr received on 20 July 1974, the sacrament of Holy Orders for the Diocese of Sioux City.

On January 18, 2001, Pope John Paul II appointed Bishop of Duluth. The Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Harry J. Flynn, donated him on 2 April of the same year the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were Bishop Emeritus of Sioux City, Lawrence Donald Soens, and the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo Higuera. On 17 October 2008 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him. to Koadjutorerzbischof of Cincinnati. The inauguration took place on 7 December of the same year. Dennis Marion Schnurr was on 21 December 2009 as the successor of Daniel Edward Pilarczyk, who resigned for reasons of age, Archbishop of Cincinnati.
