Eleazar of Modi'im

R. Eleazar of Modiin (also Eleazar of Modiin, etc.) was a highly respected Jewish scholar of antiquity, is counted among the Tannaim of the second generation and worked in the second century AD. He is regarded as a pupil of Johanan ben Zakkai and contemporary of Yehoshua ben Hananiah and Eliezer ben Hyrcanus.

He dealt particularly with the Aggadah, so that in the Mishnah only a single set is narrated by him ( Pirke Abot III. 11 ​​), while there are set forth in the Midrashim many of his sayings.

He is, unjustly suspected of treason, have been killed by Bar Kochba by a footstep. Shortly after, the fortress Betar was captured by the troops of Hadrian, where Bar Kochba was killed themselves.
