Elector of Mainz

The following list provides information about the bishops and archbishops of the diocese of Mainz during its entire history. The archbishops were also rulers of the archbishopric of Mainz and metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of Mainz as well as primate Germaniae, Lord Chancellor by Germania and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire chairman of the Electoral College, which they were ex officio the highest ranking ecclesiastical princes.

Legendary Bishops ( 80-350 )

The list of bishops, beginning with the alleged apostles students Creszenz, is a later forgery.

Bishops to early medieval bishop lists ( 350-745 )

The names of the earliest bishops of the church in Mainz lie partly in the dark. Although later than 368 may be assumed by a bishop of Mainz, names are only occasionally delivered safely, you are also equal to ten Bishop lists. The oldest bishop list comes from the Fulda annals dead of the 10th century that have been preserved in a Munich codex of the 19th century. This list begins with Aureus. In Codex Bernensis No. 378, the list was extended by four names. The codex dates from the 10th century, the change is sometimes also dated to the 11th century. An ultimate security over their authenticity is not given. Without any proof of the action of the alleged student Paul Crescenz is a bishop in Mainz, which is therefore to be regarded with certainty as a legend.

Archbishops of Mainz (745-1803)

The Archbishop of Mainz was at least since the 13th century one of the electors of the Holy Roman Empire. In addition, a column for a coat of arms and blazon is inserted because there were coats of arms from the beginning of the Middle Ages and is the origin of the Mainz wheel here. The following people were archbishops of Mainz:

Bishops of Mainz since 1802

The following persons were or are bishops of Mainz:
