Fury and Hecla Strait

Geographical location

The Fury and Hecla Strait - (English Fury and Hecla Strait) is a strait in the Canadian Nunavut. It separates the largest island of the country, Baffin Island, the mainland, more specifically from the Melville Peninsula. The waterway is 160 km long and up to 35 km wide. At the east end some islands are located in the Fury and Hecla - Street. Here is located between Ormonde Iceland and the Canadian mainland, the smallest with just 2 km point of the strait. The lake is frozen most of the year.

The waterway was discovered in 1822 during the second expedition of William Edward Parry and after his two ships, the HMS Fury and HMS Hecla the named.

The most important place in the region is Iglulik on an island just southeast of the Fury and Hecla - Street.
