Gibraltar (Michigan)

Wayne County


Gibraltar is a city in Wayne County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population at the last census was 4,264 inhabitants.


According to the U.S. Agency Bureau of Statistics, the total area of Gibraltar is 11.2 km ². Of these, 9.9 km ² of dry land and 1.3 km ² water. Thus, the proportion of water is 11.52 % of the total.

Demographic data

In the census of 2000 4.264 people, 1,728 households, and 1,225 families residing in the city were reported. The population density is 428.7 inhabitants. / Km ². With 1,791 houses were on average 180.1 houses per square kilometer.

The population is 96.74 % White, 0.52% of African Americans to to 0.33% of Indians, to 0.40% of Asians and 2.01 % from other ethnicities. In total 1.83% of Latin American descent.

There are 1,728 households in Gibraltar. in

  • 31.3 % occupied by families with children under 18 years
  • 56.0% are married couples living
  • 10.1% of families live with a widowed housewife
  • 29.1% live no family couples
  • 23.3% live Singles
  • 5.5% live people aged 65 and older alone.

With an average of 2.46 persons per household and 2.89 children.

In Gibraltar are 23.5 % of the population under 18, 7.9 % from 18 to 24, 31.5% from 25 to 44, 28.2% between 45 and 64 and 8.9 % 65 years and older. The average age is 38 years. For every 100 females are 101.7 males. For every 100 women who are 18 or older are 101.1 males.

The average income per year of a normal household is U.S. $ 58 167, a family household U.S. $ 67 457. Males have a median income of U.S. $ 53,750 compared with women with 31.708 U.S. $. The average per capita income for the city is $ 28 528 in U.S.. 1.9 % of families and 2.9 % of the population live below the poverty line ( 1.3% involved those with an age of 18 and younger, and those with a 3.2% aged 65 and older).

City's Allen Park | Belleville | Dearborn | Dearborn Heights | Detroit | Ecorse | Flat Rock | Garden City | Gibraltar | Grosse Pointe Farms | Grosse Pointe Park | Grosse Pointe Woods | Grosse Pointe | Hamtramck | Harper Woods | Highland Park | Inkster | Lincoln Park | Livonia | Melvindale | Northville | Plymouth | River Rouge | Riverview | Rockwood | Romulus | Southgate | Taylor | Trenton | Wayne | Westland | Woodhaven | Wyandotte

Unincorporated Communities: Cherry Hill | Delray | Hickory Isle | Martinsville | New Boston | Roulo | Waltz | West Sumpter | Willow

  • Location in Michigan
  • Place in North America
  • Wayne County ( Michigan)