Gujō, Gifu

Gujō (Japanese郡 上市, -shi) is a city in the Japanese prefecture of Gifu.


On 1 March 2004, the city Gujō from the three communities Hachiman (八 幡 町, chō ), Yamato (大 和 町, chō ) and Shirotori (白鸟 町, chō ) and the four villages Takasu (高 鹫 村, -mura was ), Minami (美 并 村, -mura ), MEIHO明 宝 村, -mura ) and Wara和 良 村, -mura ) of the district Gujō formed ( (.


Gujō is located north of Nagoya and Gifu, and south of Takayama.

The river Nagara flows through the city from north to south.


In Gujō the castle Gujō - Hachiman is (郡 上 八 幡 城, Gujō - Hachiman- jo ).


The city is connected to the Tokai - Hokuriku Expressway and the National Roads 156, 158, 256 and 472. The station is located on the Nagatetsu Etsuminan line.

Adjacent Cities and Towns

Gujō borders Takayama, Mino, Gero, Seki and Ōno.
